Sunday, September 1, 2013

Power and Funk

Jack Tinapple's trip through Europe 13 years ago triggered him and a close friend to launch local band, The Neo. Laurentino Bento caught up with Jack ahead of the group's performance at Darwin Festival 2013.

12 o’clock is a remarkable time to arrange a few minutes to get deep insight about The NEO. CDU cafeteria becomes the place where I'll conduct my first interview with a great artist from a music band called The NEO.

With his classical style, beard and long hair
– a bit 
like a music rebel Jack Tinapple arrives sharply. He firmly shakes my hand and politely introduces himself.

“It is lovely today, how about I offer you a cup of tea so we can have a nice interview this afternoon?” he says very kindly, before heading to cash register and getting prepared for the interview.

The interview is held in a crowded place so we have to focus on exchanging words. In order to have a clear chat, Jack pulls his chair close to me, and the
interview starts to flow. We have a great conversation. 

Thoughtful responses by Jack help me to get deep insight into The NEO and its performances at Darwin Festival 2013.

Laurentino: When and how you were first introduced to music?

Jack: Well, actually, I learned in primary school how to play drums. When I finished high school my friends and I started a band, and we just played for fun
– rock music at parties. After about five years I thought it was too much trouble to take drum kits everywhere, so I started to learn harmonica – easier to carry. I also learned to sing better so I did my music degree at CDU. I have also teaching here at CDU for nine years.

Laurentino: Can you tell me a little bit about The NEO?

Jack: Yeah, the NEO started in 1999. When I was travelling with my best friend Tim in Europe, we decided to form a band in 2000. We organised a really big party in Darwin. We celebrated the beginning of millennium and introduced the band. Everybody almost got naked at the party because we said [everyone should] enter to the millennium the way you enter to the world. The NEO [means ] 'new'.

Laurentino: What the specific genre of music do you play with The NEO?

Jack: Well, the band's original is genre [is something] we decided to call powerfunk. Now, we don’t really describe the band as powerfunk. It is still a powerful and funky band. Often we use the word like 'reggae'. We says 'blues' sometimes. too. Funk is still part of it. We use the words like 'soul' as well.

Laurentino: I heard that The NEO has recently released a new album. What is the challenge when you start make or launch an album?

Jack: Yeah, The NEO has released two albums. The recent album called The Near Earth Object. The challenge is always to increase quality of sound writing, the quality of the recording, the quality of production and the quality of our playing.

Laurentino: How did you come to play at the Darwin Festival?

Jack: It's very exciting. It's a privilege for me. We are very lucky this year especially, because both bands, The NEO and Jigsaw Collective, are playing. We'll have a big concert in which we collaborate with the thirteen musicians.   

Laurentino: What do you think you are going to perform at the Darwin Festival?

Jack: Well, The NEO actually is doing some experimentation in colours. This one would be red. Audience would be red, the deco would be red, and so we are experimenting with the lighting. We decided to choose red to see how the impact of colour [affects] the crowd.

Laurentino: What is the next project that you and The NEO are doing

Jack: Our next project is a big tour... [planned] for December and January. It would be national tour. I am hoping [it will include] New Zealand.

Laurentino: Well, this is the last question. How do you balance your time between music and family or friends?

Jack: Oh good question. Well, one thing, I only teach part-time, so that helps me because I also have a two-year-old son. I have being doing part-time work since my son was born. So, I like to spend time with family, we have a good time together. Family is still my first priority.


The Lighthouse

9pm Friday, 23th August 2013
Duration 1hr

Full      $30
Concession & Group (+8)        $20

08 8943 4222               


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